Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Our theme for our next Refresh for the ladies is Words.  The group of women who help plan out Refresh have been thinking about words and praying about our words........sending each other articles on words and devotionals on words.

As I sat down today to have some time with God, I grabbed my journal, my Bible
 and a few of the books I have been reading through. I had just read an email of a devotional from one of the ladies on words - Isaiah 30-21 "Your ears shall hear a word". Her email went on to say.....
A "word" from God can bring you the solution you need. God created the world with a word, so imagine what a word from HIM could do for your situation. The Bible says,"Your ears shall hear a word behind you. saying, "This is the way, walk in it," Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left." Notice the words, "Your ears shall hear a word." But if your spirital ears are not open, trained and attuned to God, you won't hear what He is saying to you. Furthermore, if you filter what He's saying to you through human intellect in order to harmonize it with your own opinion, you will get nowhere. God gives a "word" to those who have an open ear and heart.

When you pray, what are you looking for? A spiritual high, or a time of intimacy with the Lord in which he speaks and you listen? When you read your Bible are you seeking confirmation of your own thoughts or are you seeking God's will? Imagining what one of God's ideas could do for your life! The people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits (Da 11:32) If you dream of doing great things in life, get to know God. He will reveal Himself to you through His Word. You will hear a lot of different ideas each day; some will benefit you, others won't; But when you get a "Word" from God it's like a seed; it has the potential to produce at tree; or better yet, a whole orchard of fruit.

Have a great week!

So thinking on her words I began to read Proverbs 7 - and I was stopped on vs.21 - "With persuasive words she led him astray; and she seduced him with her smooth talk." Now to be honest with you I have always scanned through this chapter thinking.....this doesn't apply to me, it is about an adultrous woman who uses her words to seduce a man and ruin a home.....not Me. But in this moment I could hear God's words saying to me - Who have you led astray with your persuasive words? Forgive me, Father. Immediately I could think of many times I have used persuasive words to get my own way, to cast doubt on someones character, shared tantilizing gossip or even tried to sway someone to my side of the story.

Proverbs 18:2 - Death and life are in the power of the tongue.

Sticks and stone will break your bones, but words will break our hearts. ~ Robert Fulghum

God has given us an incredible treasure - the gift of words. This gift wasn't intended to be hoarded or ill used. The gift is to be opened and shared to help others be all that God intended them to be.

Ladies, we have incredible influence as women with the words we choose to speak. Words - one of the most significant forces in the universe - can be used for good or evil. Your words, and my words can change the course of a day....the course of a life. Your words become the mirror in which others see themselves.

A careless word may knidle strife;
A cruel word may wreck a life.
A bitter word may hate instill;
A brutal word may smite and kill.
A graciaous word may smooth the way;
A joyous word may light the day.
A timely word may lesson stress;
A loving word may heal and bless.     ~Author Unknown

Look up these other verses and let God's Word speak to you. Ephesians 4:29-32;
Col. 4:5-7; James 3:3-12; Galatians 6:10

My prayer is O Lord set a guard over the door of my lips (Psalm141:3) and help me be quick to listen, slow to speak   and slow to become angry,..(James 1:19)

 I would live to hear your story, send me your thoughts from God's Word. Hope to see you at Refresh if you are in the Ocala area.....it will be on Monday, September 17th from 7-8:30pm; for women only at Church of Hope.

choosing Him,

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